Wednesday 9 September 2015

A Farewell to Arms

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

I was lucky enough to be allowed to borrow my father’s copy of his favourite book: A Farewell to Arms. The book is about an ambulance driver who falls in love with a nurse and the struggle of love in a time of great chaos. It is partly autobiography which adds the reality of war and real experiences to this book. Hemingway himself was an ambulance driver during World War 1.

“I remember thinking at the time that it was the end of the world”

This quote is half truth about Hemingway’s opinion on war and the trauma during it. In the book Lieutenant Frederic Henry is struck by a mortar shell which also struck Hemingway himself. This book is an explosion of the caught up feelings that Hemingway felt during the war. I loved the book even though it frustrated me so much and made me cry because I gained such a great relationship with all the characters in such a short book. I remember when I had finished the book my mum phoned and I just cried. I am making her read it now to let her comprehend why I was so distraught. I hope you read it too and I’d love to know what you think in the comments.

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