Wednesday, 4 November 2015

I'm so stressed!!!!!


Hey guys, Don't worry, you haven't entered some weird diary of mine. I thought I'd deviate from a book review because I've had a lot of work to do which means not so much reading. It's got to November and everyone is starting to stress about too many things; UCAS, coursework, upcoming exams, A-levels, new courses, starting university. And what does this mean? Stress! There's no need to though.
Everyone knows at least someone who is stressed. You might even be stressed yourself. Don't! This should not be the case. Don’t let stress keep you away from school or class otherwise it's won. Don't drop out of university just because you're stressed otherwise it has won. Stress should not be something that stops you from doing something but something you can learn from. I accept that stress cannot go away overnight but there are ways to deal with it.

First of all, you need to ask yourself…

What’s really going on?

Instead of saying “I’m so stressed” which we all say way too much, you need to ask yourself the following questions when faced with a stressful situation:

Ø  People pleasing- Are you trying to please too many people? Are you saying yes to too many things?

Ø  Pats on the back- Do you want people to congratulate you on your clothes, makeup?

Ø  Performance evaluation- Do you think you’re irreplaceable?

Ø  Possessions- Are you living for imamate objects? Grades.

Ø  Poor planning- Did you plan it badly?

Ø  Power- Do you like being stressed because it makes you feel important? Do you then feel in control?

Ø  Perfectionism- Do you push yourself too hard and tell yourself that you cannot make any mistakes?



Matthew 6 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
I hope this has helped as many people as much as it has helped me have a new realistic approach to difficult situations. I'd love to know if this has helped you so please leave a comment and I will get back to you.

1 comment:

  1. So lovely to see my daughter in a much happier place. If these words have helped you then maybe they can help others as well.
